Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 6 - 1/27/10 - Our Arrival in Bangkok

Prior to our departure we at last got some of our questions answered by our wonderful cab driver in Siem Reap:
1) Who owns all the Lexus in Phnom Phen? Not even in Marin have seen as many lexus as we have here -> the govermant officials (hmmm makes you wonder how uncorruptable they may be)
2) What is the average (good) salary in Siem Reap -> about $100/month
Just for piont of reference - cost of tuk tuk - $2000 - resulting tuk tuk salary - $200/month
Bike for a kid so it doesn't have to walk 5km to school - $30
3) Why was there a mile long line in front of the Childern's hospital -> each family in need gets a number assign to them and when their turn comes - they come to Phnom Phen or Siem Reap to get care for their sick child in this privately run free hospital. Since then I have read much more about this program and it is amazing what Kantha Bopha & Dr. Beat Richner do for these children. If you want to know more check the link out.

We were sad to leave this wonderful country but we were excited to see what Thailand had in store for us. I have to admit that I was rather overwhelmed by Bangkok - as Chris put it is a high energy smelly chaos. After an hour long cab ride from the airport we checked into our wonderful hotel - Navalai River Resort (again an osais in the middle of this crazy place).
After we settled in we went out to explore around the hotel on foot. We were warned by other travellers about scams that are plentiful in Bangkok and guess what... two minutes into our walk we almost fell for one ourselves. Thank God we are smart :). We explored around 'The Backpackers' Mecca' - Khao San Road and finished the evening with a nice 'stomach safe' dinner. Oh, did I mention how freaking hot it is here?!

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