Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 4 - 1/25/10 - Cambodian Detox Treatment

The plan for today was to sleep in and take a cooking class in one of the local restaurants to learn how to make some of these wonderful Khmer dishes, followed by relaxation, shopping and perhaps even some massage. But instead we checked into a Cambodian Detox Spas. I was the first one to partake, starting the night before and Chris followed my lead the following morning. The enrollment was not voluntary but it sure did detox us thoroughly and did wonders for my waistline.
As you may have already guessed we got sick. At least this time we were able to pin point the source. It was our lunch the previous day in one of the restaurants in Angkor Wat area. Looking back... probably not the best choice. Needless to say we didn't take the cooking class but instead we spent the day in the bed and in the other area nearby. Fourteen hours and two cyproflaxins (stomach antibiotic) later I felt slightly better, at least as long as I didn't drink nor eat anything, so I went to read by the pool and left Chris in the room to sleep it off. I think I am out of the woods but he is still fighting it... hopefully tomorrow we will be both better and will get to go explore the rest of the temples. Luckily, today was not supposed the be an action packed nor travelling day, so really it was the best day to get sick. The way I see it, one has to get one of these stomach bugs on each continent one visits. Hopefully, this will have Asia covered.

1 comment:

Conor McHugh said...

Eugh! Hope you're feeling better - drink lots of water.
