Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day 6 - Lake Powell & Grand Staircase Escalante

Before we even had a coffee we headed for Lake Powell. We did a lil hike to the Horseshoe Bend where we had a great overlook of that part of Colorado River. It was trippy when all you see is a desert and then out of nowhere... there is a raging river way down below. Zoe wouldn't get anywere close to the edge. After that we gave her a nice lil treat when we took her down to the lake for a nice swim. She had the best time ever chasing the waves and retreiving empty cans (no sticks around there) from the water.
We tried to get in to hike the Wave, this really picturesque slot canyon, but unfortunately we didn't make the list of the ten people they let in each day :o( Instead they recommended a different one the Buckskin Gultch. It was amazing!!! The only thing that was somewhat daunting was the constant threat of flash flood. I know it wasn't really all that realistic, but the clouds were collecting... and the three mile hike back through the riverbed was lil scary. Not to mention the wading through the clay water pools, so we turned around lil bit sooner than we intended, but it was still worth it.
After that we took a 40 mile ride on a dirt road up to Bryce. Oh did I mention there is snow outside our lodge... brr... from the desert to the snow in less than two hours.

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