Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Chris tries to kill Mony

This was a day in cenotes. Chris really wanted to go diving in cenotes.... and at the time it sounded like a good idea. Basically cenotes are subterranean water bodies with some connection to the surface (caves with water in them). Prior to booking our tour we asked them whether it was going to be a problem that I am somewhat claustrophobic, but they assured us that it was all open so no problem there. The first cave was large and spacious with just a few tight spots to go into that I promptly avoided, but Chris loved it. We were in the cave for about 45 minutes and after that we went on to our next cave. I knew I was in trouble once I climbed down the ladder and saw this 3 foot opening with water that was the entry way to the cenote, and it just got worst from that point on. This cenote was a narrow tunnel with stalactites and stalagmites all around. The whole time going through I just had to concentrate on not freaking out and I must say I did better than expected... well until we got into this small cave (about 5x6ft) and our guide decided it would be funny to turn the lights off.... yeah.. I didn't think it was so funny. Luckily after what seemed as an eternity he turned them back on and we started to head on. I can safely say that that was the worst few minutes of my life. Lol... Chris was convinced that I was going to kill him after we got out... but he was safe, I was just happy I survived and got out into the sunlight. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? :o)

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